It is getting too expensive to afford

When I lived alone I would consistently crank the control component up to 69 or so before I left for work, and then turn it back down when I returned home

The price of rent is getting out of hand, for years I lived on my own, eventually it just became too expensive to afford. Unless you are rich, it’s undoubtedly hard to afford your own site, so I got a roommate, an old friend named Red, to share the rent on a nice many bedroom home in the suburbs. Red works from home, and I still go into the office for work. Red is easily superb about doing the yard work, which is superb because I would legitimately hire a local child to do it for me. One thing I do not like this situation is the HVAC staying in use so much. When I lived alone I would consistently crank the control component up to 69 or so before I left for work, and then turn it back down when I returned home. Having eight hours a morning where the AC isn’t running makes a big difference in your bi-weekly utility bill, let myself and others tell you! Now that Red is there, the AC stays on that extra eight hours, plus as you might expect, my utility bill has skyrocketed; I felt it was legitimate to ask him to pay ⅔ of the energy bill, since it was mostly going towards that only she was using. Red didn’t like that, and said it should be a fifty fifty split, right down the middle, regardless if she used the AC a “little” more than I did, but this is still an ongoing debate, and I wish I could just kick him out although I can’t afford to.

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