I pride myself on providing excellent customer service and great rates

1 week we might offer 20% off all tune-up services and the next week we might offer 20% off all indoor air cleaning services.

I think it is very important to provide excellent customer service and great rates. That is my motto at the HVAC business. I started that heating and cooling repair service when I was 25 years old. My father-in-law saw something in me and he wanted to give me a chance to do something with my life. He agreed to put up the money so I could start out. He didn’t make me start payments until after 1 year in business. By then I was ready to pay off the entire loan. It didn’t take long for the business to grow. I absolutely make sure that I have the lowest rate in the city. Every other day I have someone call around to get the market rates on services that we offer. I always want to be the lowest. If you have the lowest prices and the best customer service, you will never go out of business. Every week I offer sales and specials, so customers can take advantage of the savings. 1 week we might offer 20% off all tune-up services and the next week we might offer 20% off all indoor air cleaning services. A few weeks before the beginning of the winter season, we always offer sales and specials on new and refurbished heating equipment. The same is true during the spring months leading up to summer. We always have sales and specials and lots of clearance priced items from the previous summer that are ready to be installed by one of our certified HVAC specialists. If you want to stay in business and thrive, you have to take care of the customers.


space heater