I can’t find my air purifier

I can’t find my air purifier.

I don’t know how I lose things so easily, but it makes me feel so upset with myself.

I have lost my keys more times than I can count. I have lost my phone several times. I have lost my purse three times, but I feel like those are a bit more normal for people to lose. Losing an air purifier is not a normal thing to lose. I really love my air purifier, so I am quite upset that I lost it. I have searched my entire house three times, but I can’t seem to find my air purifier. I called my mom and asked her if she remembered me giving my air purifier to anyone to let them borrow it, but she said that she didn’t remember me giving it away. The only place that I can think of left to look is my shed outback. I never put my air purifier in the shed before, so I don’t know why I would do it this time, but that is my only hope for finding my air purifier. I let my dad store some of his tools and stuff in my shed, so he has the key to the shed, and he is on a trip right now. That means I will have to wait to look for my air purifier. That makes me even more stressed.I just want my air purifier. That air purifier cost me a lot of money, and I have only had it for about three years.
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