He said he was a Personal Fitness Trainer

I rolled my eyes, but I laughed

I had been going to our local gym for almost a year, when I was approached by this man who told me he was a personal fitness trainer. He offered to give me some pointers on ways to move that would help pinpoint the few trouble spots I had. I worked with the personal fitness trainer for almost three weeks when my friend asked me to introduce her to my friend. I told her he wasn’t my friend, but he was the gym’s personal fitness trainer. She laughed and told me to believe what I wanted, but he wasn’t a trainer. I looked over at him and he looked like a fitness trainer, but she was right. He didn’t act like a personal fitness trainer. I couldn’t remember seeing him in the gym until three weeks earlier when he had approached me. I walked over and asked the man my personal fitness trainer was talking to, “Who is he?”. He called him by name and told me they were friends. They had recently joined the gym. I approached the ‘personal fitness trainer’ and asked what kind of game he was playing? He had the decency to appear guilty of his crime. He told me he had seen me when he walked into the gym and he had to meet me. He thought I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. I rolled my eyes, but I laughed. I told him he could have just asked my name and talked to me. If it was any consultation, he said he really was a personal trainer.

Personal Physical Training