Can’t i get a break?

When things go wrong, they can really go wrong! Last week it seemed as if I could not catch a break.

  • Every single place I turned something was going wrong or breaking on me.

First, my car broke down and I had to have the engine replaced. Then my washing machine broke in my house. And to top it all off for the week my central heating and air conditioning system broke down. And that was a motor issue. So i needed to have the motor replaced in my central heating and air conditioning system. I must have spent almost a grand or a little more last week alone in all the different kinds of repairs I had to get done. But the central heating and air conditioning system motor replacement was the most expensive out of it all. The motor of a central heating and air conditioning system is not cheap by any means. However I had absolutely no choice in the matter than to get the central heating and air conditioning system’s motor replaced. The weather had been pretty extreme so I could not be without central heating. It was almost below 0 outside. I would have froze to death had I not got the central heating and air conditioning system fixed up and fully working again. I really hope I do not have another week like this any time in the near future or I will totally flip out! It was really like the powers that be last week were testing me and just not giving me break no matter what I did. So i really hope that is all behind me.


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